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Blog Entry Xara Web Designer + [Plug Templates] | 205 Mb

Plug Templates and Xara Web Designer

Year: 2010
Developer: Xara Group Limited
Platform: x86
Compatibility with Vista: complete

System requirements:
OS: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7
RAM: 256MB
HDD: 150MB[Xara Web Designer] + 55MB[Template] of available hard-disk space.

Language: English only
Tabletka: Present

Xara Web Designer + Template - paket untuk prototyping dan membuat situs web, menawarkan kebebasan tanpa batas dalam tata letak dan desain halaman web dengan desain paling kompleks berdasar pada HTML atau javascript. Para pengembang menekankan bahwa penciptaan halaman Web kaya akan grafis pengguna tidak diperlukan untuk mengetahui HTML atau bahasa javascript. Untuk pemula dan untuk anda yang sangat sibuk menawarkan paket pengguna kaya set siap pakai template dan elemen desain grafis.

Automatically adjust the size of graphic elements for the input text
Free web-page layout and graphic design elements
Extensive toolkit for use Flash, widgets, photo albums Picasa, cards Google, viderolikov etc.
Correct display pic pages created in all modern browsers
Support text wrapping any figures
Automatically match the size of graphic elements for the input text

-----What's New In Xara Web Designer 6:
Significantly enhanced NavBar handling and DHTML menu support
Drag 'n' drop color schemes for instant color changes
Drag 'n' drop Widgets from the Designs Gallery, and a new Widget library
HTML snippets can be pasted directly into your document, with an automatic preview/placeholder created
An easy way to add links to (and upload) external files such as PDF, Flash and Word files
Incremental Publishing
FTP details can be stored with the document
Named FTP profiles
Free web hosting offer
Totally re-designed application appearance
New fly-out tools and buttons
A large selection of new designs in the Designs Gallery
New 'complete website' designs
Enhanced photo thumbnail pop-ups
Create a slideshow and Next / Previous on a gallery or any number of thumbnails
Auto filling of the photo-gallery via simple drag 'n' drop
Automatic photo-optimize feature
Enhanced Text tool
Anchored' graphics (so photos and graphics flow with the text)
Support for justified text
Easy MP4 video upload and built-in video player
Enhanced page color and background color support
Ability to support rounded-corner pages, add drop shadows to the page and set the vertical offset
Improved Page & Layer Gallery, with a new 'Solo' mode
New time-saving 'Preview current page'and 'Preview whole document' options
Auto-updating Designs Gallery
Advanced: Simpler HTML and 'pure HTML' paragraphs
Automatic backup of all open documents
Automatic save and restore of open documents on application closedown

Download Part 1
Download Part 2

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